
Tuesday #20

*Hey look, Ive got another great way to wake you up. OR: I'll have a double DoomBurger, hold the mayo. Good morning, were all fucked.

**lets all move to Switzerland and become junkies, contract AIDS and then move to Jakarta to get micro-chipped. While you do that, im looking for pictures of puppies or something, cheesburgers....chocolate pie...ANYTHING that heralds good news. What sort of Tuesday is this anyways.

***oh god. here we go again down this long otter riddled path. Beginning to rethink everything Ive ever known about Tuesday. You might recall this defining moment last month, where I almost tattoed "otter for life" on my arm. Obesity is a calling in my genetic string. Im about ready to just embrace it, no more fighting. Otters........good god man.

****we are all soaking in a cast iron pot, poking stupidly at carrots and onions floating around us in increasing heat. This beast stirs the foul broth and tosses seasonings on your open wounds. Watch the whole thing, its fascinating. The end is esp. interesting.

*****fresh load in the brown bag to clear the mind. enjoy.

******new folder in my flickr stream, check out cell phone images here, you filthy pirate. Alot of em look like this one:

*******LETS EVERYBODY GET THE HELL OUTDOORS FOR A MINUTE.great pictorial for clearing the mind.

10 Henchmen:

BeBaUno said...

You need some sunlight, and puppies are cute until they grow up. If you ever wanted a child for 13 years, get a dog. You'll be cleaning up shit and feeding them and listening to them whine and watching them destroy your shit. So cute...sorry. I got a date with the Seattle court house today, gotta love being my own lawyer.

Anonymous said...

no kissing on the first date.

stacy marie said...

I just searched for 20 minutes looking for a happy story to counter your sucky ones....

...and I got nothin. Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

me too, so I watched this. it didnt work.
watch the whole thing, its not my genre but its fascinating regardless.

Melissa said...

I always like a little puppy cam to brighten up my day...

Anonymous said...

you cant fool me. its not the puppies that has you excited; your soaked about the food channel in HD. I read twitter too, cowgirl.
BTW: working sat so Baker is no good unless its Sunday.

Melissa said...

Well, no matter, doesn't look like Baker will be opening this week anyway. Even Mt. Hood doesn't seem to have any ski areas open yet. I think Whistler is the only game in town at the moment. And that's not exactly in town! Guess I will just wait for my fix...

Anonymous said...

there is a layer of scum on my brain. did you watch the black metal thing?

Melissa said...

I can watch nothing at work. Booooo... will have to check it out later.


Anonymous said...

You think this is depressing - try ES! (Although we try to bring irreverance and booze to future doom)