
מזל טוב

Israel Israel Israel. Today is for you. Starting with why Gaza Matters. The countdown to a nuclear Iran is now being measured in months rather than years.

Anyone remember this royal douche? Heres a wiki worth a scan

"We believe that even if a part of your body is injured, your whole body will ache from it," said Maha Shabaneh, who has relatives in her homeland of Palestine.

(a wise notation Maha, very wise indeed)
Seattle is up to its usual protesty skullduggery. Wheres the pro state march? The memory burned in my brain til the end of days if the Jewish Fed shooting. 5 hours after the event, embedded in a downtown core still uncertain of what was happening, in Westlake Center there was dancing and praising allah for the killings. 2 guys in headscarves and a brigade of Women in Black.

This is a must-read regarding the conflict and possible result.

Allegedly the hottest women in any military today: The girls of the IDF

In The Know: New Iraqi Law Requires Waiting Period For Suicide Vest Purchases

mazel tov: as seen above in literal text. Im on a roll. These girls are HOT.

2 Henchmen:

stacy marie said...

I almost think that I will never be able to:
1. fully understand the conflict
2. know which side to "root" for
3. ever eat dairy without being really sick.

damn...now I want a strawberry milkshake.

Snotty McSnotterson said...