
Whiskey and trannys

god what a morning.....I am barrelling out of the major haze finally.........and its not b/c of this:
http://www.jamesonbartendersball.com/#/seattle/ although I obvioulsy will attend.
Anyone else wanna go? My guest spot is filled but I can arrange for more...let me know.
If youve been to one of these then I dont need to explain, if you havent...then I dont need to explain any more than this: Its the Jameson Bartenders Ball, people.
Post more later as I emerge from the cavern in my mind.

3 Henchmen:

stacy marie said...

I went to this in LA...they had a midget britney spears perform... costume changes and everything. It was fucking awesome.

Anonymous said...

shallI send you a link.....free booze, overkill trannys, really bad food....and mini brit. whats not to love?

Melissa said...

Damn, what?! I loves me some midget trannies. The website requires a password, so I couldn't check it out. But that sounds pretty awesome. Send me more info, please!