
D.B.'s November 2k7 Ex-Lax Award announcement!

I was sniffing around the web the other day and I discovered some pics of Terry on thanksgiving day looking.....very much alive and in good health, mostly.
Im grateful she survived the ordeal I had heard about a number of weeks ago, that being a grand mal seizure. I dont know the details, I was very worried it happened whilst behind the wheel, however her intact body leads me to more joyous conclusions.
Congratulations and kudos to Terry on her survival.
Unfortunately however.....those very kudos, those very congratulatory wishes are NEGATED, cancelled out by thier utter failure to return any of my calls, to any one of the 4 numbers I left on her machine at home. I was so distressed by the 3rd party news of her poor health, I immediately called home to offer any assisitance I could ie: home grocery delivery, or just a word of comfort.

  • No one bothered to call me back.

  • No one thought it would matter to let a son know his Mother was alive, or hospitalized, or in good health even.

  • No one cared enough to send word to a son and a brother who grieved.
Its a bastard world my so called parents have me in when it comes to inclusion and exclusion.
One of these days I just know one of them will die from prolonged illness, or sudden somethings...and I wont know til they are 6 months in the ground and even then it will be "oh you didnt know? were so sorry".


Rick and Terry Smith (alleged to be my parents), who USED MY PHONES on Thanksgiving Day to greet the family from afar......recieve the EX-LAX award for the month of November. Ex -Lax awards always go to the cool cats of my world but you cant give the award without saying: "Smooth move, ExLax!"


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