
Self Destruction

Ninja grows up and out. This site will be totally regrouped in couple weeks. In the meantime come check out the new digs.


Seriously? No...no fucking way.
really? Thanks Warren Ellis. I guess.


Wordstress dot org

bamboozled by code.



the a's to your q's:

its been quiet around here and for good reason. The AK voyage has been put on ice for filthy rat-bastard reasons way beyond personal control, and there is a massive ninja re-boot being forged in the fire. In the meantime you can be like me and gorge on Deadwood. Again.
You can always follow this.
if that doesnt tickle your clit, then this sure as hell will, which means we have idnetical clitoral structure. Thats disturbing.


two-bit rot-gut swill

go ahead: you know how I feel about Westerns. the good, the bad, and the.. "Bridger believed that whiskey was healthy for a man, and distrusted “water drinkers".


North! to Alaska...

**lodging fit for a pirate.
***Writing reviews for every single one. Expect greatness from the Woodshed.
****When your pilots name is Rust, you know your in good hands.
And finally: red bull and vodka for powerwatching.

My ears are here today. Now yours are with mine.


Death to mondays

Dont you just wish Oprah would just go away already.
Dont go shaking her hand,EVER.
Full-on gloom from my second backup plan. Main plan still intact however: Piracy in Somolia. Oh...wait. New plan: Japanese girls need me.
Jason Ellis swears by tools to life, I swear by Hemingway.
henchman henching

**Raccoons dont like cock it seems.
Bizarre: knife weilding assailants now have thier own map.
Young Mr.Breedlove bangs the Mayor.
Non Piratical piracy on the high seas? How can this be.
Bored or otherwise? try this.

Good.God.if only Monday was a watermelon.


Popcorn Sutton makes white lightning, and he has a great laugh.

Glen Campbell brought me off the mountain today in style.

Its safe to go in here now

#2 has been in and out of my head for 2 or 3 years now: Hard Livin.


Praising the Fallen:

It has been pointed out to me that death is close.

Stage 1
Stage 2

As usual, Katelan secretly saves the day.
And yes, of course I ate the stupid clif bar.
Off I go to die.
But before I do, go say hi to the worlds best Macaroon, found the other night mingling with the worlds best sharpie, and vodka.
Dont forget: I am #237! WORLDWIDE! Open challenge to anyone who will try to defeat me.
Oh wait...arent I supposed to be dying? Yes I am.....back to that...


Thank God for Ectomo and Moustache Mondays otherwise Id have blown my brains out a long time ago...like...last Monday for example.
This is the worst week ever. Menstual/Clinically Insane/Flakes/Menopausal/indecisive/paraniod driven: These are most of the people around me this week. Im losing my mind. I am the Marble. You: Hippo.
Then theres' douche-twinks like young Nick who seems to think...well find out for yourself. How this came across my radar we will never know. Its all about the marble, people.